An introduction to Goodwin Ceramics

We are excited to introduce Larissa of Goodwin Ceramics. Larissa's beautiful hand sculpted pieces are now available in our New Plymouth showroom and online Here 
For some lovely insight into her work and life in Matamata read on.
How would you describe your style / brand?
Goodwin Ceramics has really grown out of my own desire for a change in lifestyle. I have a background in Fine Art which involved working with clay, but I wanted to shift my making into functional objects which could be more accessible. I make vases based on classical styles with a more modern feel, and my mugs, I think, are very utilitarian. I like to celebrate the textures of the clay, but overall it's a very clean look. I lived in Japan for a while so I think some of that influence creeps in every now and then. I've been lucky enough to work with wonderful friends who know me and my work well, and translated that into the brand design.
What clays are you working with?
For now most of the work I make is in stoneware clay. This helps with the durability of the pieces, but overall it was the colours I was looking for. Another big draw card for me was that it's made by a local Waikato company. Whatever doesn't make it into the kiln for firing is recycled back into usable clay, so I try to keep waste to a minimum.
How long have you been doing it for and how has your style evolved since starting?
I've only been working with clay formally for almost a year now, and so much has happened in that time! Before I moved down to Matamata where I am now, I lived in Auckland working as a picture framer. I signed up for a pottery class, but around the same time a local potter, Kirsten Dryburgh was looking for an intern. I jumped into the world of pottery for three months solid which helped me really decide if it was the thing for me. I ended up absolutely loving it, soaked up as much information as possible and forged ahead with my own studio. Moving to Matamata enabled me the space to really give this a go. Since then I've been so fortunate to have the support of lots of wonderful people in my life who I can turn to for advice, but it's all happened so fast. I'm always adding new products to my range and it's slowly growing. I've met some great people who inspire new ideas!
What are your daily rituals?
I walk my partner James to work with our dog in the morning. I work from home so it's a great way for me to get out of the house. Then I make a cup of coffee and write my to-do list for the day (it always overlaps to the next day because I always have so much I want to achieve). Every potter will aim to mop the floor daily! (I average twice a week..) I'm also trying to take care of my hands, which is so hard in the winter when they are in water all day. Kawakawa balm has become a lovely little ritual for me.
What are you listening to at the moment?
I saw a tweet the other day about how "I'm so glad I pay for a monthly Spotify subscription so I can listen to the same two artists on repeat"... which basically sums me up. I've been on a Maggie Rogers, Haim and Kacey Musgraves kick that has lasted three years. I'll mix it up with podcasts to keep me company, but anything that's chill with a good beat and I can sing along, I'm happy with!
Photos by Ophelia King