Goodsurfwax is a socially-minded little co. from Noosa Heads in Queensland, and they’ve set about producing wax in the most eco-friendly way possible. The wax they produce is both petrochemical and plastic free and completely handcrafted. Most of the wax on the shelf is made from a petrochemical base, and that sucks because it breaks down into tiny particles that the humans can’t see, but fish are more than happy to snack on, eventually leading to their demise. The base for Goodsurfwax however, comes from organic coconut oil and beeswax.

It comes in two speeds, hard and soft, offering a painfully simple solution to the dreaded “what colour you after” surf shop encounter. Seeing as we’ve pretty much torched the planet up until this point, supporting small companies trying to do the right thing is a step in the right direction.